Gerald Green leaned on his rake and gave a satisfied sigh as he looked over his piles of leaves. A job well done.
"Um Gerry, we need to talk."
"Sure Harry," Gerry smiled. He liked his boss and he liked working for Harry's Garden and Landscaping. His only complaint was Harry's insistence on wearing flannel, but not everyone could pull off dressing all in black like Gerry.
Harry looked unusually serious. "Gerry, I'm afraid this isn't working."
"I don't understand."
"It's your, technique, Gerry. In the time it took you to do this small yard Bobby and Tim did the entire McMillon estate. We're paid to get rid of leaves, not sort them."
Gerry looked at his red, yellow, and orange piles.
"Well, you wouldn't want them mixed together." he explained. He reached down and plucked a yellow off the lawn, depositing it on top of the appropriate pile.
"I've told you before Gerry, no one else cares."
"But, but..." Gerry's lower lip quivered. It was the M&M factory all over again.
Harry sighed. "Now, now, don't get upset. I think I've found the perfect job for you."
"Really?" Gerry sniffed.
"I know a guy who owns a pet store. Every week he gets these shipments of tropical fish, but he needs them sorted. Apparently, they sell better if he puts red fish in the same tank, and greens in the same tank, etc. etc. Same with the cats and hamsters and parakeets. But he needs someone to do the sorting."
Gerry's eyes widened with hope. "It sounds, wonderful."
Harry smiled and slapped Gerry's shoulder. "I'll make a call."
copyright 2012 John Lance